Tianjin Guonuo Zhongsheng Chemical co.ltd
Products detail
Product Name: Iron oxide
CAS No: 1332-86-4
Product Type: Inorganic Chemicals -> Inorganic oxides
Product spec: Red, Yellow ,Black,Green ,Brown,Blue
Post Time: 2010-12-22
Description: As a result of its non-toxic,non-bleeding,low cost and forming different colour,it is widely used in paints,coatings as well as inks.The colour of iron oxide used in paints is iron oxide yellow,iron oxide red,iron brown,iron black,mica iron oxide,transparent iron oxide,transparent iron oxide red as well as semi-transparent procucts.The iron oxide red is the most important with great demend.
Recipient: marina Cui Company: Tianjin Guonuo Zhongsheng Chemical co.ltd
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